Monday, November 24, 2008

twilight bites a sour apple

Raven Mullenax

Marcus Thompson


“Twilight bites a full $70.6m out of box office.” Said Pop Eaters review.Sure they made tons of money, what fan wouldn’t want to see the book come to life on the big screen. Of course when there is a book before the movie it is usually a big hit. I read the books and was even very excited to see the movie at it’s first opening 11/21/08 at midnight. I even wore my Twilight shirt with the main character’s Bella Swan (Actress: Kristen Stewart), Edward Cullen (Actor: Robert Pattinson), and Rosalie (Nikki Reed), Emmett (Kellan Lutz), Alice (Ashley Greene), and Jasper (Jackson Rathbone). But just because I’m a fan of the book I felt like the movie Twilight bite the sour apple and flopped.

As lovely and talented as all the actor’s, and actress’s are the film was still a flop. It wasn’t the actor’s and actress’s that made it flop, it wasn’t the costumes, lighting or the props. It wasn’t the director Catherine Hardwicke directly but it was the screenplay. It was poorly written. The movie was in fast forward the whole time. They completely rushed the whole thing, not giving the audience time to breathe for even a minute. They put the whole story out of order and left out the goodie details from the book. They took poetic vampire romance and turned it into a movie with no feeling. I felt no real love connection or even friendships in the movie because it was rushed and left unexplained.

The dialogue was absolutely offal, Melissa Rosenberg wrote the screenplay and all my blame goes to her. Though she did well on the movie Step Up released in 2006 she failed on Twilight. She left out all the perks and the goodie bags. The charm was lost, the romance failed to move me the way the book did. The sweet comedy was cut out a lot. The warning’s from Billy Black were not were in sight. Jacob Black didn’t even get to tell he full story on the beach about his tribes Legends. Which is a very important part of the book, Melissa Rosenberg failed to show that. When the hunt is on Rosenberg fails to make it suspenseful. Bella scene in the airport with Jasper and Alice while they were waiting for Edward was not explained it was rushed there was no suspense to it.

The relationship between Alice and Bella isn’t even shown in anyway. There was no Dialogue that portrayed it. At the end before prom Alice is suppose to dress Bella up and Bella is to be confused on why she is being dressed up. When they arrive at the prom Bella is surprised and angry to end up at the prom. She puts up a fight and then gives in weakly to Edwards’s charm. Jacob is to show up and warn Bella about Edward and ask to take her to prom that doesn’t even really happen. None of that was in the movie she just walked down stairs and got in the car for prom. Talked to Jacob briefly and then danced the end.The Brief talk with Jacob wasn’t explained which made it random and made no scenes. It was pointless to have Jacob randomly pop up say mostly nothing and leave. He had no lines that indicated that he was sad and angry about Bella being with Edward.

The Books that are turned into movies are never what you want. The movies can’t match up to the books. Twilight was proof of that. It was upsetting to see the flop of a book I enjoy. Melissa Rosenberg should never turn a book into a movie.

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