Monday, November 24, 2008

Dear Billy Beane and Lew Wolff, This is What I want for Christmas

Dear Billy Beane and Lew Wolff,

This is my Christmas list. Please make all of my baseball-related wishes come true. Thank you.

With Christmas and the holidays approaching, it is high time that my Santa(s) make my holiday dreams come true, so here they are. Get on it Santa Beane and Santa Wolff.

Don't trade Bobby Crosby.

Sure, the 28-year-old shortstop is injury prone, but at his best health, he is a force to be reckoned with. Reports, including those on, have been surfacing that his time with Oakland is running down. I can't help but feel like the Oakland team will once again be all new faces next season.

The former Rookie of the Year led his team in doubles, 39 last season. Don't trade him. Keep him around for a while Santa Beane. I would be much obliged.

Plus, I invested in a Crosby jersey last season and I’m not ready to throw it in the back of my closet with my Nick Swisher jersey.

Add another big bat to the lineup.

Please sign another power hitter, we all know Matt Holliday will be gone by August if the A's aren't contending to your liking. We know that you will probably trade him away for seven more up and comers. There was talk about bringing Jason Giambi back, but who knows if you are willing to pay for him.

Maybe, just maybe you should stop sending your good players to other teams, as the Yankees plot to add them to their roster the following season.

Cough, Cough, Nick Swisher.

Don't move to Fremont.

You have been talking about this move to Fremont for years. Now there is talk that it might not even become reality. Stay in Oakland! Fremont A's—it just sounds ridiculous and makes me want to cry, a little. Plus I would have to burn everything in my room that says Oakland.

Sorry, I won’t “hella heart” Oakland anymore.

Don't try to shorten the postseason.

Lew, you have proposed a shorter postseason—why? It is already bad enough that I have to live November through March without baseball, please don't make it longer. I need baseball in my life. Otherwise my heart will be broken for more than five months out of the year.

Do you really want to break a young girls heart, especially around Christmas time?

I hope not.

Be as good as your farm system.

You have a winning farm system and your Sacramento Rivercats were Pacific Coast Champions. You would think that your team would reflect that—well, it doesn't.

Please make your team good again—and no I’m not talking about just for a quarter of the season. Thank you.

Keep the vets and rookies who proved themselves on the field.

Here is the perfect defense:

First Base

Daric Barton

Although he didn't live up to his godly-rookie hype, he has the potential to be a stud and he was able to hold it down at first base pretty impressively. Give him a chance to develop into that stud that everyone made him out to be. Also, keep him away from pools.

Second Base

Mark Ellis

Of course. Elly is the man at second base, worthy of a Gold Glove. He was out with injury for the end of the season, but at his healthiest there is no better second baseman out there.

Third Base

Rotate between Eric Chavez and Jack Hannahan


Hanny held down the "hot corner" most of the season while his veteran counter part was on the DL. Chavvy deserves his spot back, but Hanny earned himself some playing time. Not to mention, Hanny made some Gold Glove worth catches—propel yourself into the dugout lately?


Bobby Crosby

DON'T TRADE HIM! End of story.


Kurt Suzuki

Need I say more? Suzuki is the man behind the plate, he will do whatever it takes to block that ball.

Center Field

Ryan Sweeney

He will easily be one of the team leaders this upcoming season. He will contribute both defensively and offensively, not to mention he is a complete stud and has proved he can thrive in any location in the outfield.

Right Field

Travis Buck

After missing most of the season, in September T-Buck came back with a vengeance to prove he wants a spot on that starting roster. He deserves it and as long as he stays healthy, he and right field should be seeing a lot of each other.

Left Field

Matt Holliday


Obviously, did you have any doubts about that one?

Thank you Billy and Lew for reading my wish list. I would be a very good girl if you make my Christmas wishes come true. Merry Christmas.

Oh, and I wouldn't mind a date with your center fielder, that would be nice too.

I've been good this year,


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