Monday, November 24, 2008

Kevin Wilcox

What is it about religion that gets people so worked up? As my favorite T.V character Gregory House has said,” How did I persuade you? It wasn’t my logical argument because if people listened to logical arguments then there would be no religion,” After news that future President Barack Obama has been skipping church on Sundays for a morning workout over at his local gym has made some Christians in this country extremely angry, including blogger Slilmis who commented on the news story on AOL News saying,” Having a close relationship with God has everything to do about making decisions for this country. Seeking God’s wisdom is a good thing because I would doubt that Obama knows what decisions to make on his own. I am just concerned about what God he worships,” (1).

It is people like this that I have no problem with. Using personal religious judgement is fine and for many it is a way of life. On the other hand it can be a negative habit as well. If you are always stopping to think, “What would Jesus do” and not actually making decisions in a timely manor it can have negative side effects.

Other readers had more “abrasive” comments on Obama’s religious situation including Rolermom5 who said,” It is very important that Obama attends church. I believe he is a Muslim and not a Christian at all. You can’t be Christian and believe in gay rights and abortion,” (1).

Now I am registered to vote as Declined to State and usually my views lean towards Republicans except for social issues such as gay rights but I have no problems with Obama and I believe that he should be given the chance to become a great president. Even though he is a Democrat I will defend to the death his right to worship any God in which he believes. And whether or not he decides that he needs to go to a specific building to be spiritual is up to him and only him.

Some citizens even responded to the original news story with comments and beliefs similar to my own including the simply named George who said,” I actually understand his retinence about attending [Church]. I do believe he is sincere and the fact that he is the president elect just creates many problems with anything he plans. His religion has nothing to do with his ability to lead this country. I had some very big reservations concerning him, but so far I like what he has done,” (1).

I want to say thank you to all those who commented on the story as it is my belief that it is a marvelous country we live in where any one of us can voice our opinions and debate each other passionately and openly. We should all be proud of the fact that we live in a country like that and should be able to put aside our personal beliefs and help defend this great land from any who wish her harm.

Sources: 1).

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