Monday, December 15, 2008

Hawks take it to the court

final project by Cassie Kolias, Nadia Khalik, and Raven Mullenax
photos by Stephen Kirschenmann

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

twilight bites a sour apple

Raven Mullenax

Marcus Thompson


“Twilight bites a full $70.6m out of box office.” Said Pop Eaters review.Sure they made tons of money, what fan wouldn’t want to see the book come to life on the big screen. Of course when there is a book before the movie it is usually a big hit. I read the books and was even very excited to see the movie at it’s first opening 11/21/08 at midnight. I even wore my Twilight shirt with the main character’s Bella Swan (Actress: Kristen Stewart), Edward Cullen (Actor: Robert Pattinson), and Rosalie (Nikki Reed), Emmett (Kellan Lutz), Alice (Ashley Greene), and Jasper (Jackson Rathbone). But just because I’m a fan of the book I felt like the movie Twilight bite the sour apple and flopped.

As lovely and talented as all the actor’s, and actress’s are the film was still a flop. It wasn’t the actor’s and actress’s that made it flop, it wasn’t the costumes, lighting or the props. It wasn’t the director Catherine Hardwicke directly but it was the screenplay. It was poorly written. The movie was in fast forward the whole time. They completely rushed the whole thing, not giving the audience time to breathe for even a minute. They put the whole story out of order and left out the goodie details from the book. They took poetic vampire romance and turned it into a movie with no feeling. I felt no real love connection or even friendships in the movie because it was rushed and left unexplained.

The dialogue was absolutely offal, Melissa Rosenberg wrote the screenplay and all my blame goes to her. Though she did well on the movie Step Up released in 2006 she failed on Twilight. She left out all the perks and the goodie bags. The charm was lost, the romance failed to move me the way the book did. The sweet comedy was cut out a lot. The warning’s from Billy Black were not were in sight. Jacob Black didn’t even get to tell he full story on the beach about his tribes Legends. Which is a very important part of the book, Melissa Rosenberg failed to show that. When the hunt is on Rosenberg fails to make it suspenseful. Bella scene in the airport with Jasper and Alice while they were waiting for Edward was not explained it was rushed there was no suspense to it.

The relationship between Alice and Bella isn’t even shown in anyway. There was no Dialogue that portrayed it. At the end before prom Alice is suppose to dress Bella up and Bella is to be confused on why she is being dressed up. When they arrive at the prom Bella is surprised and angry to end up at the prom. She puts up a fight and then gives in weakly to Edwards’s charm. Jacob is to show up and warn Bella about Edward and ask to take her to prom that doesn’t even really happen. None of that was in the movie she just walked down stairs and got in the car for prom. Talked to Jacob briefly and then danced the end.The Brief talk with Jacob wasn’t explained which made it random and made no scenes. It was pointless to have Jacob randomly pop up say mostly nothing and leave. He had no lines that indicated that he was sad and angry about Bella being with Edward.

The Books that are turned into movies are never what you want. The movies can’t match up to the books. Twilight was proof of that. It was upsetting to see the flop of a book I enjoy. Melissa Rosenberg should never turn a book into a movie.
By Brittney Barsotti
What is it about the holiday season that compels us to be more giving than any other time of the year?
According to UNICEF, during the last week of the calendar year, the number of donations to non-profits spikes in the United States -- a combination of holiday spirit (and the recently received holiday bonuses) and the reality that they need to make gifts by year-end to qualify for tax benefits. This year charities are feeling the impact of the economic downturn, as demand for their services outstrips donations, as stated by the Washington post. Nation wide Americans are feeling the impact of the current economic status.
An estimated 5,000 cars full of people showed up at Miller farms in Colorado, Calif., according to, to harvest extra crops of potatoes, carrots, onions, and beats for the holidays. Many churches and food banks in the area sent members to collect the allotted up to ten pounds of produce per individual so that they may distribute them to those unable to make it over the holidays. David Patterson of Miller Farms told CNN that he decided Sunday to notify the local news stations and the public of the give away as, “a way to repay the public for being so generous over the years. It’s a shame people need produce so bad.” For the full video on click the link below. - /video/living/2008/11/24/

The fear of what is to come has left Americans clinging to every sent a lot tighter than any other recession in recent times. President-elect Barack Obama has called this financial crisis one of, “historic proportions.” His newly created economic team is working very hard in collaboration with the Bush administration to bring an end to the current economics situation.

With the change in political climate, one would imagine that Americans would begin to feel better about the changes that are due to come. Obama’s economic philosophy that, “we cannot have a thriving Wall Street without a thriving Main Street," is one that the members of his National Economic Council agree with. Obama has promised to create 2.5 million jobs by 2011, but until then all eyes wait expectedly to see if Obama will be able to live up to the expectations when he is sworn in to office on January 20th.
Nadia Khalik

“Good teenagers, take off your clothes,” said Aladdin.

Yes that’s right Walt Disney was one of the many men who would think about sex as often as a woman thinks about shopping, and infiltrate his thoughts into Disney Movies. The question is just how many Disney movies have sexual messages? Disney movies seem to be spreading another message apart from the prince and princess get married and “they lived happily ever after?”

Throughout the years people have spotted sexual messages and sexual pictures implanted into Disney Movies. They’ve appeared on blogs, YouTube and movie sites. Disney Movies are not only evil, but they are recycled. Below are some pictures taken off the Web site, which exposes some of Disney’s dirty secrets.

Now for Disney’s really dirty secrets. According to Yahoo! Answers, in the movie “The Little Mermaid” the song “Under the Sea” has a pretty nasty verse by Sebastian, he says “darling it’s better, down where it’s wetter, take it from me and also has a message in Spanish when played backwards and slowed down.” The Priest that gets Ursula and Prince Eric married has a woody during the whole marriage process. 

On the cover of the movie; one of the castles is actually a golden penis. On YouTube you can witness for yourself the subliminal message in Sebastian’s song. “Hercules” is another movie that has a song sung by Meagra and when played backwards and translated has a pretty strange message that may just send chills up your spine.

“The Rescuers” has a scene where the two mice are riding on a boat and as they pass a window there is a naked women with her breasts exposed standing in it.

The word “sex” has appeared in many movies as well, such as in “The Lion King” when Simba sits at the edge of a cliff and the stars spell out “sex.” Also in the movie Aladdin there is a scene that shows the purple flowers spelling out “sex.”

Aladdin is also pretty jacked up, in the scene where he and Princess Jasmine’s tiger are on her balcony he whispers “good kitty” and then says, “Good teenagers take off your clothes.” That same message is said not once, but twice when Jafar goes to the Cave inside the lion’s mouth.

Disney movies are also racists and sexist. In the opening credits to the song “Arabian Nights” the lyrics actually says, “Oh I come from a land, from a far away place, where the caravan camel roam. Where they cut off your ear, if they don’t like your face, it’s barbaric but hey, it’s home.” Wait what? Let’s see there are caravan camels, which means there must be sand and Jafar is of course the villain with a Middle Eastern accent. Disney Lyrics Web site show the verse now and the original one.

“Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where it's flat and immense
And the heat is intense
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home”

Original first verse (1992-93):

“Oh I come from a land, from a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam
Where they cut off your ear
If they don't like your face
It's barbaric, but hey, it's home”

Aristocrats has Asian stereotypes, Latinos are portrayed as violent and ‘The Jungle Book” has monkeys with voices of black men. Hmmmm? Sexism is a big feature, if you haven’t noticed; the men are always portrayed with strength and dominance and the woman are beautiful, tiny and most of the time shown doing chores and being dainty. Eek!

Disney movies are “F’ed up” and that’s no joke. They’re supposedly children’s movies but contain explicit material. Rated G? That’s hilarious. To view all of these funny and shockingly disturbing Disney secrets visit YouTube, Yahoo! Answers and Disney’s dirty secrets Web sites.

Turkey Bowling fun

Vladimir Butenko
News Writing
Blog Quiz

How many ways can you think of using a frozen turkey?

Cooking and eating turkey may not be the rage these days anymore, especially in Ohio, Cincinnati, where people are preparing to play a traditional game of turkey bowling this Tuesday. The game will take place on an ice skating rink located at the downtown’s Fountain Square.

Of all the choices of sports to choose from, Cincinnati residents have chosen to use frozen turkeys in their traditional sport. The frozen turkeys will be used as a replacement for bowling balls. The goal of the game is for participants to get the highest score by knocking down as many pins as they can during the three rounds of the game. There are 10 pins that can be knocked down.

The person(s) with the highest score achieved at the end of the game will, of course, get prizes. The winner(s) get “WKRP in Cincinnati” DVD’s and also $100, according to

A similar event took place in Terre Haute, IN. Participants had to donate canned food first in order to play turkey bowling, and the winners received meals enough for 8 people, and the food that was donated was given to the Salvation Army. Crystal Garcia told

“ I thought it was pretty decent because it’s not shaped right,” participant in the turkey bowling, Dan Phillips, told “But it slides pretty decent and is heavy.”

“ I think it’s great,” Maj. Keith Bailey from the salvation army, told “ It’s a lot of fun. I just wish it were a little warmer outside, but the one good thing is we don’t have to worry about the turkeys thawing out.”

The strange thing about frozen turkeys being used in some bowling games is that they are probably not being used for many other sports, like football for example. Just think about it, throwing a big frozen turkey to someone. What about frozen turkeys used as balls in kickball games? Or even frozen turkeys in baseball? The possibilities are endless. Overall, the turkey bowling idea is very interesting and sounds very fun.

Don’t F This one Brit! Were all watching.

Willie Wiest
November 24, 2008

Could the train wreck we call Britney Spears really be making a comeback? This is the news on the street and I cannot wait to be one of the millions of MTV viewers that watch her attempt at explaining her circus of a life on November 30th.

BritBrit is infamous for her ridiculous rollercoaster of events over the past few years. From marrying back-up dancer K-Fed to showing off her “britney” getting out cars in short skirts, to loosing custody of her two young boys, all while wearing a hot pink wig, drinking a red cup, and chain smoking. For a while there she seemed just too far gone and no one could take their eyes off the train wreck.

It seems that star has made a U turn and is going to give the public a chance to see her in a new light. Although she has little control over anything in her life anymore, she and her management team is allowing the world a 90 minute window to see what it is like to be in her shoes, if she is wearing any.

The news documentary that MTV is airing right before the release of her new CD, appropriately named “Circus”, on December 2nd. The documentary will give fans and incite into the chaos filled life of Miss Britney Spears.

Britney is the 21st century’s Marilyn Monroe; she is an icon. The world watches her every move, good or bad. Any tabloid magazine with her face on it will sell, no questions asked, and I am absolutely one of the many people who are purchasing it, without fail, every time.

Just like Marilyn, Brit has had her fair-share of tumultuous relationships and she opens up in the doc. about the demise of her marriage to Kevin Federline.

In a sneak peak to the media of the documentary on November 20th she explains, “When it ended I felt so alone, I didn’t really wanna think about the reality of it. I never faced it, I just ran.”

It gets lonely at the top and can seems like there is nowhere to go but down. Brit fell from that high mountain top hard and hit rock bottom in January 2008 when she was taken from her mansion to L.A.’s Cedar Sinai medical center for psychiatric evaluation and care. After the paparazzi documented break down the little custody Brit had of her children was lost and control of her estate was given to her father because she was deemed unfit.

Now the world is getting a chance to see Brit making her way back up to the top, I am going to watch with hope that she is really going to come back, I miss the popstar. As a huge fan I cannot wait to see her back on top and doing well. I am also patiently waiting for the tour that will undoubtedly be amazing.

She appeals to more then just me, she appeals to the world, whether she is falling on her face or on the top of the charts, we are all going to watch. So come Sunday the 30th, we all get a taste of Miss Britney Spears and lets hope it is as sweet as candy

Paybacks a *!#@%

By Martin Garabedian

Forgive and forget is that classic cliché that gets thrown around from time to time to help people get over bad blood situations. But in the case of Terrell Owens forgiving and forgetting is the last on his mind whenever he plays his former team.

On Sunday, Nov. 23 the San Francisco 49ers (3-7) traveled to Dallas to face the Cowboys (6-4) in what turned out to be another dose of payback for his former team as the 49ers came up empty handed on numerous red zone attempts in a 22-35 loss.

In a post-game press conference ( Coach Mike Singletary touched on their inability to punch it in to the end zone on two red zone attempts.

The 49ers through the offensive play calling of coordinator Mike Martz decided to pass the ball four times while running the ball only two times during those red zone trips. Eventually leading them to getting six points instead of 14 in the loss.

Instead of throwing the ball down while on the four-yard line the 49ers need to give the ball to their running back that holds an average of 4.5 yards a carry. Do the math give it to the man three times and with that average you got a good chance of getting him into pay dirt with a half a yard to spare.

In total running back Frank Gore only got the ball 14 times throughout whole game, relying on the arm of Shawn Hill. In Hill’s defense he did record a decent game as he threw for 303 yards and two touchdowns on 21 of 33 passes. But those missed opportunities early in the first quarter might have been the motivation Dallas needed.

For Dallas wide receiver Owens playing against the 49ers was all the motivation he needed. T.O. finished the game with seven receptions for 213 yards and a touchdown. His touchdown came when quarterback Tony Romo threw up a 75-yard bomb in the second quarter. Owens managed to slip behind safety Michael Lewis and cornerback Nate Clements for the score.

In Owens’ last meeting in 2005 against the 49ers he torched them to the tune of 143-yards and two touchdowns. That brings his running total in two games against the 49ers to 356 yards and three touchdowns. You think he is still bitter towards his falling out or what?

Both teams did a good job at containing the run but that doesn’t mean just give up, especially in the red zone. Most teams are built around establishing the run and for an inexperienced quarterback like Hill it is essential to his success in getting his team a victory. 

That’s why Martz is a horrible fit for a rebuilding 49ers franchise. His gun slinging offense is better suited for Bret Favre than a former third stringer Hill and until the 49ers realize that they will continually compete for a high draft pick.


= love forever.

Alana Gaspari
Blog quiz

Well good news all you single people, Amy Winehouse’s beehive is back on the market.

The current news of the world is reporting that Amy Winehouse and Blake Fielder Civil’s marriage is over.

I’m actually saddened to hear this news because I thought Winehouse and Fielder-Civil were a lovely couple. Now who is going to be the mess in the media, making youtube videos to show viewers how to smoke crack. Winehouse will be all alone now since Fielder-Civil has recently started rehab.

What a sad story. It takes two to tango.

According to, a popular celebrity blogging spot, Winehouse has apparently accepted the fact that ex hubby is head over heels for a Swedish model named Sophie. She was the girl that was blowing kisses and mouthing “I love you” to Blake during one of his court appearances.

I’m rooting for Amy though because she has made it very clear that she wants no mention of Sophie anywhere in her beautiful presence.

I doubt that is going to happen so I’m getting ready for some serious cat fights because we all know Amy loves to smack bitches around.

Also, from, a ‘friend’ has revealed that sex was the glue holding the relationship together.

Pretty face’s exact words were, “It’s over. There’s no way back for us now. It was never going to last. We were only together for the sex.”

Jail took their only bond away and the poor things marriage fizzled out.

Sounds like a healthy relationship to me.

I personally think Winehouse should be hog tied and airlifted to the nearest rehab facility. That girl is a mess and it’s the eighth wonder of the world how she is still living.

Maybe now that Winehouse is single, Marcus can move in. They would make a lovely couple. They can both use their bad attitudes to help each other out. Then maybe Marcus can go around taking clocks off the wall. Apparently, time is not important in Marcus’ world.
Kevin Wilcox

What is it about religion that gets people so worked up? As my favorite T.V character Gregory House has said,” How did I persuade you? It wasn’t my logical argument because if people listened to logical arguments then there would be no religion,” After news that future President Barack Obama has been skipping church on Sundays for a morning workout over at his local gym has made some Christians in this country extremely angry, including blogger Slilmis who commented on the news story on AOL News saying,” Having a close relationship with God has everything to do about making decisions for this country. Seeking God’s wisdom is a good thing because I would doubt that Obama knows what decisions to make on his own. I am just concerned about what God he worships,” (1).

It is people like this that I have no problem with. Using personal religious judgement is fine and for many it is a way of life. On the other hand it can be a negative habit as well. If you are always stopping to think, “What would Jesus do” and not actually making decisions in a timely manor it can have negative side effects.

Other readers had more “abrasive” comments on Obama’s religious situation including Rolermom5 who said,” It is very important that Obama attends church. I believe he is a Muslim and not a Christian at all. You can’t be Christian and believe in gay rights and abortion,” (1).

Now I am registered to vote as Declined to State and usually my views lean towards Republicans except for social issues such as gay rights but I have no problems with Obama and I believe that he should be given the chance to become a great president. Even though he is a Democrat I will defend to the death his right to worship any God in which he believes. And whether or not he decides that he needs to go to a specific building to be spiritual is up to him and only him.

Some citizens even responded to the original news story with comments and beliefs similar to my own including the simply named George who said,” I actually understand his retinence about attending [Church]. I do believe he is sincere and the fact that he is the president elect just creates many problems with anything he plans. His religion has nothing to do with his ability to lead this country. I had some very big reservations concerning him, but so far I like what he has done,” (1).

I want to say thank you to all those who commented on the story as it is my belief that it is a marvelous country we live in where any one of us can voice our opinions and debate each other passionately and openly. We should all be proud of the fact that we live in a country like that and should be able to put aside our personal beliefs and help defend this great land from any who wish her harm.

Sources: 1).

Dear Billy Beane and Lew Wolff, This is What I want for Christmas

Dear Billy Beane and Lew Wolff,

This is my Christmas list. Please make all of my baseball-related wishes come true. Thank you.

With Christmas and the holidays approaching, it is high time that my Santa(s) make my holiday dreams come true, so here they are. Get on it Santa Beane and Santa Wolff.

Don't trade Bobby Crosby.

Sure, the 28-year-old shortstop is injury prone, but at his best health, he is a force to be reckoned with. Reports, including those on, have been surfacing that his time with Oakland is running down. I can't help but feel like the Oakland team will once again be all new faces next season.

The former Rookie of the Year led his team in doubles, 39 last season. Don't trade him. Keep him around for a while Santa Beane. I would be much obliged.

Plus, I invested in a Crosby jersey last season and I’m not ready to throw it in the back of my closet with my Nick Swisher jersey.

Add another big bat to the lineup.

Please sign another power hitter, we all know Matt Holliday will be gone by August if the A's aren't contending to your liking. We know that you will probably trade him away for seven more up and comers. There was talk about bringing Jason Giambi back, but who knows if you are willing to pay for him.

Maybe, just maybe you should stop sending your good players to other teams, as the Yankees plot to add them to their roster the following season.

Cough, Cough, Nick Swisher.

Don't move to Fremont.

You have been talking about this move to Fremont for years. Now there is talk that it might not even become reality. Stay in Oakland! Fremont A's—it just sounds ridiculous and makes me want to cry, a little. Plus I would have to burn everything in my room that says Oakland.

Sorry, I won’t “hella heart” Oakland anymore.

Don't try to shorten the postseason.

Lew, you have proposed a shorter postseason—why? It is already bad enough that I have to live November through March without baseball, please don't make it longer. I need baseball in my life. Otherwise my heart will be broken for more than five months out of the year.

Do you really want to break a young girls heart, especially around Christmas time?

I hope not.

Be as good as your farm system.

You have a winning farm system and your Sacramento Rivercats were Pacific Coast Champions. You would think that your team would reflect that—well, it doesn't.

Please make your team good again—and no I’m not talking about just for a quarter of the season. Thank you.

Keep the vets and rookies who proved themselves on the field.

Here is the perfect defense:

First Base

Daric Barton

Although he didn't live up to his godly-rookie hype, he has the potential to be a stud and he was able to hold it down at first base pretty impressively. Give him a chance to develop into that stud that everyone made him out to be. Also, keep him away from pools.

Second Base

Mark Ellis

Of course. Elly is the man at second base, worthy of a Gold Glove. He was out with injury for the end of the season, but at his healthiest there is no better second baseman out there.

Third Base

Rotate between Eric Chavez and Jack Hannahan


Hanny held down the "hot corner" most of the season while his veteran counter part was on the DL. Chavvy deserves his spot back, but Hanny earned himself some playing time. Not to mention, Hanny made some Gold Glove worth catches—propel yourself into the dugout lately?


Bobby Crosby

DON'T TRADE HIM! End of story.


Kurt Suzuki

Need I say more? Suzuki is the man behind the plate, he will do whatever it takes to block that ball.

Center Field

Ryan Sweeney

He will easily be one of the team leaders this upcoming season. He will contribute both defensively and offensively, not to mention he is a complete stud and has proved he can thrive in any location in the outfield.

Right Field

Travis Buck

After missing most of the season, in September T-Buck came back with a vengeance to prove he wants a spot on that starting roster. He deserves it and as long as he stays healthy, he and right field should be seeing a lot of each other.

Left Field

Matt Holliday


Obviously, did you have any doubts about that one?

Thank you Billy and Lew for reading my wish list. I would be a very good girl if you make my Christmas wishes come true. Merry Christmas.

Oh, and I wouldn't mind a date with your center fielder, that would be nice too.

I've been good this year,


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Welcome, Future News Writers

Welcome to the world of multimedia! In this, our little corner of cyberspace, you will become familiar with the spontaneity and instantaneous nature of journalism. Here, you will post your multimedia creations, your blogs and online news stories. Say hello to my world.

- Marcus Thompson, instructor